A Primer in Creating Your MSN and IM Identity (Part 2)
As promised, here is part 2 of 3 in a series teaching you how to create your MSN Identity.After determining which classification of photo best suits your MSN needs, it is important to create an MSN name that not only identifies who you are but also defines your character and your personality.
There are 6 distinct categories of MSN names that exist, each as generic as all the others. No matter how unique you think you are when you come up with an MSN name, you will ultimately end up with a name that falls under the wings of one or more of these categories. The kicker is, none of them are any good.
1) The "Hopelessly Romantic" name (also known as the Pathetically Romantic name... or just drop the Romantic part so it just reads "hopeless"): The Hopelessly Romantic name is one of my favorite categories, mainly because it's so hilarious. For one, its not as popular as you think it is, and that reason alone makes it funny because the person who uses this category thinks that its normal for the average couple to proclaim their love for each other over the world wide web. Examples of this type of name can be: "Baby, I'm so in love with you", or "I love you so much, you are my world". Anything along those lines can work. I think that the people who choose this type of name are some of the least self conscious people around. I mean, I'm sure your significant other knows how much you care about them, and if they don't, an MSN name probably isn't the proper medium with which to let them know. Using this type of name is the equivalent of making out in front of your parents. Please, if you really want to be mushy with your potential future spouse, use the phone, at least we don't have to listen to it.
2) The "Inside Joke" name: It could be something that was said when you were out the night before, or a comment about an experience that you shared with a friend of yours at some point, but ultimately it only has relevance to to you and the people you shared it with. Outside of those people, no one really cares. You either have this name because you feel the need to change your MSN name and you have no idea what to change it to, or you're starved for attention and you want someone to ask you the meaning of the name so you can tell them the relatively unfunny story behind it. An example of this name is "Batten down the hatches MATEY... Great Night Boys!". I'm sure it was a great night, and if you enjoyed it so much, maybe bring it up with that group in casual conversation. Also, I don't have a clue on earth what hatches or "matey" have to do with anything, but I do know that I really don't care.
3) The "Deeply Philosophical" name: This name is either a philosophical statement or a direct quote, most of the time profound, from someone famous. This type of name most often appears when the user is confused, or going through trying times, and as a result they feel the need to take inspiration from elsewhere. Either that or they just want to seem like they are smarter than you. Examples of such are "There is no afterlife, so live for the moment", or "Only the descent into the hell of self-knowledge can pave the way to godliness." That's all well and good, but how does posting such inspiration on your MSN name help you? Wouldn't it be more beneficial to print off the quote or saying and stick it on your wall next to bed or something? Maybe make it a screensaver? Also, everyone knows you ripped that quote off of someone because the odds aren't in favor of you having the ability to come up with something that profound on your own.
4) The "Emo Song Lyric" Name: This is a frequently used type of name that high school and university students love to use. Their bodies are going through change (or something) and they just don't know how to cope with life or express their emotions in their own words, so they just steal lyrics from some emo band. Examples of Emo Song Lyric names include "Now cut my wrists and black my eyes" or "Stop burning bridges, and drive off of them, so I can forget about you". If you're feeling emo, stop talking on msn and leave your screen name as is. Then, go cry for a half hour (Hey, you're emo, it's what you do.), and then resume your chatting. Problem solved.
5) The "Running Commentary" name: This type of name is by far the most annoying one out there. Oddly enough, it is probably the most commonly used. This one is exactly as described, a running commentary of the user's life. To clarify, if you've "gone to the store to get milk", or you're "in the shower, back in 5 mins", just put your status on away, and go wherever it is that you need to go. Either that or log off. Believe it or not, there is no one on your contact list that needs or wants to know your whereabouts at all times.
6) The "Superfluous Punctuation" Name: This name is the most ridiculous of the bunch. If anything, it just illustrates how excitable you are or how much of a teeny-bopper you are. This name is always in the form of either a statement which ends with three exclamation marks (!!!) or three question marks (???). Examples of this name include "exam time!!!", or "It's snowing in May???". What I want to know is, what more can you say with three question marks than you can with only one question mark?(??)
Stay tuned for Part 3, which details how you can use all the perks and other toold of MSN to express yourself.
Hilarious...and too true! I'll be watchin what I write my name as from now on.
Once again you are a judgemental bastard. What about the category for "self advertizement"?(??)[those were for emphasis] for example: NEW POST www.chesterfieldmcfistifcuffs.blogspot.com...hahaha. The truth is, I've done not so cliche visions of all these 6 at some point I'm sure. But once again I ask, oh MSN god, what would be the appropriate screen name?
Quite true, I say that it is a great insight into MSN and other such IM's. You should dedicate a blog to those that use a ridiculous ammount of symblos and odd texts in there name. It tends to be with the younger kids, but nonetheless just as annoying.
Kyle I have noticed that your MSN name for the past few days has just been simply "Kyle." Nice and safe. Perhaps that way you can't be judged on succumbing to any of your own theories?!
As members of the growing following of EBC readers, and since we heard that you like to have comments, we've got a few to share with you. What can we say, it's the last week of classes.
1)The last sentence of your blog has a typo, you might want to get an editor.
2)Running Commentary - Amen brother! We don't care either. Personal hygiene should just happen, no need for explanation.
3) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4)We think your webcam photo is hot.
5)Not really, we're just hopeless.
6)We've enjoyed the series, and are looking forward to the conclusion.
Dude, you have graduated and don't have a job yet and April is not around. Therefore you have no excuses for not updating your blog. Get on it! Your fans await.
lovely, i just made a lot of fresh emo backgrounds in my blog
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